End Times News

Faraday Cage – Protect Yourself From The Electromagnetic Radiations

With the economy getting worse in all countries, it’s becoming more important to have a backup plan in case of emergencies. In the case of EMP protection, if the entire power grid was wiped out what would you do for power? Even if you have plans of alternative energy through solar panels or wind generators the inverters would be fried unless you had a faraday cage. But what are the odds of that happening? Considering that an HEMP blast can be the size of an entire nation it’s something that everyone should look at as a realistic situation.

Knowing that such dangerous and tumultuous times are at hand can be stressful, but trusting the Lord to deliver you and reading up on the events to come is the best way to handle that. Pray and stay into your Bible, for Biblical prophecies tell all, and God has not left people in the dark as to what is to come. In order to find the answers you seek, you must read through your Bible and become educated as to what the prophecies have spelled out regarding the end times news and what is to come.

Jesus gave them perfect understanding of all things that concern the end of time, so they are not caught unaware by the end of the world. Christians know that the last day will be attended by dreadful signs in the heavenly bodies and upon the earth and sea. It is better to hang a millstone around one’s neck than to harm even a string of hair on the head of a Christian believer; for Jesus is their cushion against blows of the last days. If you fear the certainty of your eternal security, prove it to yourself by living out the life that only the Spirit can enable.


Faraday CageA Faraday cage that uses only mesh or sheet metal can only shield against a magnetic frequency up to the RF range. To efficiently protect your electronics from an EMP that is higher than an RF range you need some steel, iron or thick copper. Even though a Faraday cage isn’t fool proof it will increase the chance of saving your emergency electronics infinitely. During a complete blackout the inverters would be fried unless you have a faraday cage.

There are many theories of global holocaust and many interesting ones claiming that this Armageddon will originate in the Middle East. It’s worrying but the current political climate in the Middle East does look like it could escalate into something far worse in the future. The word Armageddon is metaphorical. Its varying uses and interpretations give many fictional accounts of how this Armageddon might eventually happen.

We are now living in the Great Tribulation, which precedes Armageddon. These changes have been foretold by many cultures for the last several thousand years. Similar to hearing thunder and sensing rain before the storm, the Great Tribulation is a prelude of distressing cycles of terrible events we are currently experiencing and seeing in the news today. But as Armageddon gets closer the cycle speeds up, and the time of catching one’s breath will be less and less. This means, for example, that the economy will get better but the time of it being so will not last long; then it will fall back down again, rise back up for even a shorter time, then crash back down, etc.

Navigate to this site to get information on end times news as well as faraday cage.